Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Adding Nine More to the Pack

"When you add nine dogs to the house, you have to expect a little mahem."...Rick L. Moody 6:54am

So here is the answer to the pool picture posted on Facebook.  Meet Sally and her eight little wonders.  Meet Sally and her eight puppies! They were given into Rick and my care by Mikey's Chance Canine Rescue ( or one Facebook at Mikey's Chance Canine Rescue) for their first weeks of life. It is such a joy to have them around.

I woke up this morning to more pee in the house than I have seen um, ever!  Not only had poor mamma drank most of her pail of water and peed twice.  The dogs on the other side of the door decided that this must mean we are now peeing in the house, so they happily joined in and peed in the hallway, kitchen and living room!  All before 6am.  I hauled out the cleaning supplies and half way through decided I really needed to have a cup of coffee.  I must not have put the coffee pot in all the way because when I returned for a much needed cup there was coffee all over the counter.  The little that made it into the pot became my first cup of the day and it was strong - just what I needed.  I then went into the only "DOG FREE" zone in the house, master bedroom (Rick's insistance), and sat on the sofa staring at my husband until he asked "Is everything ok?"  After I told him everything I got the opening line of today's blog.

Things you need to know:
-Mikey's Chance will be auctioning off their naming rights so look on Facebook or their website to make your bid.  They definately need to be known by something more than orange, red, white, blue, light blue, yellow, green and pink.  4 girls, 4 boys.

-Orange opened her eyes today (she really needs a name soon now) and I'm thinking her brothers and sisters will follow shortly. 

Things I have learned today:
- two week old puppies don't really make a lot of noise
- mamma dogs need to go out to pee a lot!  Other dogs need to go out and pee a lot!
- when they open their eyes you are convinced they were meant to be your dog - but reality soon sets in and you think they will find a great "fur"ever home
- there is a lot of information on "puppy development week 3" online, and it is not all the same
- your husband can be the voice of calm after the coffee pot explodes in the middle of cleaning up all the dog pee
- your house can smell like a kennel overnight
- your cat can be the only animal in the house that could care less and has no problem letting mamma dog know who is boss
- you can lose hours of your day sitting beside a kiddie pool filled with puppies
FINALLY - it is really hard to take good pictures of black puppies.

Looking forward to what tomorrow will bring....stay tuned.....

Please don't forget that we are also fostering Cozmo the beagle.  He is a happy boy who really needs to go to his forever family.  I will be updating information on him also...


  1. You are one heck of a special lady.

  2. I bet Rick joined in the fun and peed in the hallway, too...
