Friday, August 10, 2012

Puppy Mush

It is a hard thing to wake up to SCREAMING puppies and a mamma dog that wants nothing more than to escape their company.  These pups are drinking Sally dry.

Google: what to feed 3 week old puppies
Answer: Puppy Mush

How hard could it be?  It seemed so easy.  Blend puppy food and hot water. 

Voila!  Puppy Mush!

Oh, and it smells really gross!

All is going so well.  Then I set the plates down....

Needless to say, there was puppy mush EVERYWHERE!  Two loads of laundry and one dishwasher load later all seemed fine. 

But, the pups seemed to like it.

Later, I went to check on the puppies and there were ESCAPEEs!

Yellow, Red and White all got out of the pool on their own.  Boy I hope they get names soon -  but we haven't had any bids on Mikey's Chance Canine Rescue Facebook page (hint, hint).

Look at them - at it again...

I know I have said it before, but they are all going up for adoption and application information can be found at

And here is how I am ending my day....

That is the 2011:

Horse Heaven Hills
Grenache Rose
Alder Ridge Vineyard

and Rick is bringing home a pizza.  I'm going to need a summer vacation after this:)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Spa Day

The pups turned three weeks old yesterday!  We celebrated with pedicures.  I think I was a little full of myself on having this puppy thing down because worming went so easily.  I figured I love pedicures, they will love them too.  Not so much.

It sounded like puppy death camp during the clipping.  On a more sombre note, I had to use my husband's reading glasses because I couldn't see their little nails:(  The reality of getting older.

Green is such a big handsome boy.  I sure hope somone is going to bid on naming him at Mikey's Chance Canine Rescue on Facebook. 

Oh yeah, styling in the glasses!
 Pink screamed!  It is the only way to put it.  The sound was sickening.  I stuck it out and she lived.  Silly girl.

 White was the best one of all!  He is my mellow boy.  All he wants is to be held and loved. 

Red is my girl.  She is usually so happy with me.  Not here!

Boy, getting our nails clipped was hard work.  Better have some lunch so we can take a nap.
Sally was glad to have them all back in the pool - I think.
Please remember they are up for adoption.  You can find an application at and bid on naming the pups on their Facebook page: Mikey's Chance Canine Rescue.

Bidding is open until midnight tonight.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Eyes Wide Open

Is there really anything better than waking up to a pool full of puppies looking up at you? Our last hold out White finally opened up yesterday. That means today was worming day! Let me tell you, it really helps to be prepared.

Here I am with all my supplies ready.

I decided to weigh them because they just seemed so big to me. All their information follows. I sure hope you take a liking to one of them and go immediately to for an adoption application. They are going to go fast. As you know mom is a lab mix and dad apparently is a black lab that jumped the fence - and is huge and gorgeous. I don't doubt that because these puppies are huge and gorgeous. They will be celebrating three weeks on Tuesday.

The weigh in started with yellow. Yellow is a handsome boy that has found his voice. He likes to growl and bark. He is walking around a little now, although does fall over often:) He has an adorable black and pink nose, a white spot on his chin, nose, chest and the tip of his tail. Today he weighed 2.75 lbs. He has a big head and is one of the boys. Meet "Yellow"....

Next up was Pink. This little girl is a carbon copy of her mama and she is looking more chocolate than black right now. Pink likes to cuddle with her brothers and sisters and is just adorable with her white chest, and white tips on hind toes. This morning she weighed 3.0 lbs. Wow is she getting big. Pink is a mover and a shaker. She likes to stretch her legs and walk around, jump on her siblings, and climb on mamma.

Light Blue is another one of my fabulous girls! She weighed in today at 3.0 lbs. She is quite a talker and when you pick her up she has nothing but a million puppy kisses to give you. She has a small white spot on her chest and chin. Is she black? Is she chocolate? Not sure yet on this one. Time will tell.

White is another one of my BIG boys.  Today he weighed in at 3.25 lbs.  He has white on his throat and chest but the rest of him is black - and another Big Head Todd.  White sleeps alot, but when he wakes up he is attached to mom.  No wonder he is getting so big.

Blue and Green.  These two boys go together because they are so much alike in every way.  They are the biggest of all the puppies - each weighed in at 3.5 lbs today.  They are both most definately black with massive heads.  Each has some defining white spots.   They are both sweet as can be and come to the edge of the pool whenever I sit beside it and just look up with me - that is if they can tear themselves away from poor mamma who gets no rest with these two around.  Gorgeous pups.

The final two girls will hold a special place for me!  I totally adore Orange because she was the first to open her eyes, bark, and climb.  She is full of life and very sure of herself.  She comes to me when I sit by the pool and is interested in exploring.  She is a solid chocolate color.  Orange weighed in at 3.0 lbs this morning.  Red was the second to open her eyes.  She is so sweet and gives lots of licks when you are holding her.  She also tried to suckle my nose, which was adorable.  Red weighed in just slightly ahead of her sister at 3.1 lbs.

So there are all the pups.  They have been doing great as you can see and will need forever homes pretty soon!  Mikey's Chance is committed to matching owners with dogs that will work.  Please take the time to visit their website and complete an application for one of the pups.  Before we know it summer will be  coming to an end and they will be ready for their forever homes.  Don't miss out on your chance to adopt a fabulous pup and help out a great rescue organization.

Nail clippings on Tuesday!  See you then.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A more relaxing morning

Today was pretty uneventful here at 3 Legged Dog Ranch.

Sally and the Pups
Red and Blue opened their eyes today and Green is almost there.  Had to change ribbons on White, Green and Blue.  Cleaned and cleaned and cleaned some more.  Everyone is back in their original spot and doing great.  Orange seems to be more chocolate than black. 

Sally scratches at the door when she wants to go out or just get a little house time away from the pups.  The pups are moving around a lot more today.  Still not able to get out of the box or pool fortunately.  They are starting to pee and poop on their own:)

Here is the shot of the day!

Hungry little buggers...

Cozmo had a GREAT day.  He was scratching his ear a lot this afternoon and Rick actually just leaned down, bent his ear back and looked.  Cozmo did NOTHING.  No growl, no snark, no bite.  Rick checked his ear and it looked fine.  This has been a concern in the past about Coz.  He is making good progress and once he settles into a home with routines will fall in line pretty quickly - after he tests the boundaries of course.  Unfortunately for him with three dogs of our own, we do have quite a few rules!  Love him!

Maybe the hay truck showing up this morning had a calming impact on everyone.  It was a long morning of getting 8 tons stacked in the barn, but hay is ready for the winter.  YEAH!

Before I forget, a big THANK YOU goes out to my husband Rick who brought home two boxes of Keurig K-cups for coffee this morning.  I didn't have to worry about any overflow.   YOU ARE THE BEST! XXOO

Look for more updates soon....

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Adding Nine More to the Pack

"When you add nine dogs to the house, you have to expect a little mahem."...Rick L. Moody 6:54am

So here is the answer to the pool picture posted on Facebook.  Meet Sally and her eight little wonders.  Meet Sally and her eight puppies! They were given into Rick and my care by Mikey's Chance Canine Rescue ( or one Facebook at Mikey's Chance Canine Rescue) for their first weeks of life. It is such a joy to have them around.

I woke up this morning to more pee in the house than I have seen um, ever!  Not only had poor mamma drank most of her pail of water and peed twice.  The dogs on the other side of the door decided that this must mean we are now peeing in the house, so they happily joined in and peed in the hallway, kitchen and living room!  All before 6am.  I hauled out the cleaning supplies and half way through decided I really needed to have a cup of coffee.  I must not have put the coffee pot in all the way because when I returned for a much needed cup there was coffee all over the counter.  The little that made it into the pot became my first cup of the day and it was strong - just what I needed.  I then went into the only "DOG FREE" zone in the house, master bedroom (Rick's insistance), and sat on the sofa staring at my husband until he asked "Is everything ok?"  After I told him everything I got the opening line of today's blog.

Things you need to know:
-Mikey's Chance will be auctioning off their naming rights so look on Facebook or their website to make your bid.  They definately need to be known by something more than orange, red, white, blue, light blue, yellow, green and pink.  4 girls, 4 boys.

-Orange opened her eyes today (she really needs a name soon now) and I'm thinking her brothers and sisters will follow shortly. 

Things I have learned today:
- two week old puppies don't really make a lot of noise
- mamma dogs need to go out to pee a lot!  Other dogs need to go out and pee a lot!
- when they open their eyes you are convinced they were meant to be your dog - but reality soon sets in and you think they will find a great "fur"ever home
- there is a lot of information on "puppy development week 3" online, and it is not all the same
- your husband can be the voice of calm after the coffee pot explodes in the middle of cleaning up all the dog pee
- your house can smell like a kennel overnight
- your cat can be the only animal in the house that could care less and has no problem letting mamma dog know who is boss
- you can lose hours of your day sitting beside a kiddie pool filled with puppies
FINALLY - it is really hard to take good pictures of black puppies.

Looking forward to what tomorrow will bring....stay tuned.....

Please don't forget that we are also fostering Cozmo the beagle.  He is a happy boy who really needs to go to his forever family.  I will be updating information on him also...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Greetings from 3 Legged Dog Ranch

Greetings from 3 Legged Dog Ranch.

We are a small ranch located in the Blue Mountains of Northeast Oregon.  Three years ago, we lost our three legged dog Winnie.  She was adopted from a shelter in Alameda, CA when she was about 6 months old.  She was found as a stray in Alameda and eventually trapped by the local mortuary staff and named Greer, after Greer Mortuary.  She started with four legs, but at 2 years old began limping and biting at her leg.  Tests revealed cancer.  She lost the leg after six months of surgery followed by radiation to try to save it.  She was so much happier as a 3 legged dog.  We left Alameda in 2003 and moved to a ranch in the blue mountains, and as she ruled over all the other animals on the ranch, we adopted the name 3 Legged Dog Ranch in her honor.

There are two humans here and lots of critters.  You will be meeting them over time and I hope you will enjoy reading about our crazy antics. 

This summer, we began fostering dogs for a local canine rescue - Mikey's Chance - and I was given the idea to start blogging by the founder of this rescue (thanks Valerie!).

Please stay tuned for some updates.