Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Summer draws to an end...

It is that time of year when we start to ready the outside for fall.  It comes earlier in the mountains than down in town.  It has been a fantastic summer of peace and rest at 3 Legged Dog Ranch.  When I started the summer blog we had 7 dogs staying with us.  We are now at four, but some have come and gone so quickly we did not get them posted.

Here is Rosey.  She was running down a country road out in the middle of nowhere!  She is now safe and secure with her fosters in Tri-Cities and will be up for adoption soon.  Here she is looking for a napping place.

 While we were dropping off Rosey to find her forever home, we heard about an 11 year old dog that needed a Final Refuge home.  Mikey's Chance Canine Rescue offers older dogs the opportunity to live out their lives in a private home getting all the care and love they need.  We did this last year for Schatzi who is not longer with us.  She was an incredible dog and we loved her.


So we took Ms. Shadow home with us to stay!  She is a super sweet girl and we are delighted to have her!  She has had a rough week, but her first 11 years she was a well loved and cared for girl.  So we  will continue that tradition for all the time she has left.  Welcome home Shadow!

Just one more thing!  We had a little foster failure.  Her name is Torre and she is the most fabulous girl!  We just adore her and are so lucky to have her.  We are now complete with our family.  I will keep you updated on the adventures here at the ranch.  Our house and hearts are full - for now!
